Branford's Education Hall of Fame
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Selection Process
Nominate an Educator
Current Nominations Living
Current Nominations Deceased
Current Inductee guest form
Inductees by Name
Inductees by Year
Murray-Stolzman Service Award
Susan Spear Library Project
Now accepting nominees for our next class.
Criteria for Nominating New Members to the Education Hall of Fame
Nominees are assumed to be “well-liked”, “kind”, “hard-working”, and may be “involved” in many organizations or are ready to retire after many years of service. They may also be recognized as being very “good at their job” or have worked in an “educational setting”. However, as laudable as these qualities are,
they are not reasons an individual should be nominated for Branford’s Education Hall of Fame.
Nominees must have made
contributions to education/learning which made an important impact in Branford.
Specific examples of their contributions are required.
It is not enough to say they are “hands on” educators or “personalize their teaching for each student”.
Examples of specific lessons showing creativity and innovation should be included, or where they had work published or where they lectured. In general, how they disseminated their information.
They must be widely recognized by peers and those with knowledge of their work, as outstanding in facilitating learning.
While teachers and school administrators are people that are typically considered for nomination, the Hall of Fame also has honored many others
in the community
who have had an
important impact
on education and learning. Nomination to Branford’s Education Hall of Fame is intended to honor individuals who are
extraordinary, exceptional
educators. Evidence of this should be shown in their body of work, rather than a single, noteworthy accomplishment.
If your nomination does not fit our criteria, it will be returned to you with an explanation of how it should change and specifically what should be included.
For more information please contact Toni Cartisano at
[email protected]
Nominate an Educator
Indicates required field
Full Name of Nominee
Occupation and Place of Employment
Currently Living or Deceased
Letter of Recommendation. Please read full nomination criteria above. This letter can be copied and pasted from a word processor.
Your Name
Your Email Address